Crist Off His Game

Given his protean, political labeling and blatant, ideological expedience, it was never going to be easy for Charlie Crist going up against Rick Scott. Even given the usual Scott givens: from Medicare-fraud background and arrogant, awkward persona to skewed priorities and notoriously opaque modus operandi.

But if Crist was anything, he was likable and transparent and smart.

Well, there’s nothing to like about the campaign manna he’s been serving up lately to Scott. After having made a highly publicized stand on ending the Cuban embargo and underscoring it with a planned visit to Cuba this summer, Crist has backed off. No, he won’t be going to Cuba after all. Some “timing” issues. Do tell.

More grist for the flip-flop mill instead of targeting Scott’s vulnerable record and duplicitous manner.

Then Crist allowed himself to be portrayed–ironically and inexplicably–as the less-than-transparent one because he’s holding out on releasing his wife’s tax returns. He’s on the losing end of this ersatz “privacy” issue. The spirit of the law for public officials shouldn’t preclude a spouse’s return. Whether it’s Ann Scott, Bill McBride or Carole Crist. Whether they file separately or not.

The finances–and potential conflicts of interest–of those married to the people we elect matter. A lot.

Of course, it’s only July, but imagine ceding the transparency issue to Scott right now? Crist is a seasoned, savvy pro, but he’s currently presiding over an amateur-hour campaign.

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