Still Missing the Mark(s)

The NCAA is threatening to penalize member schools for academic deficiencies. Among the proposals: taking away scholarships and withholding eligibility for post-season play. It’s all aimed at improving graduation rates — especially among football and basketball players, especially among blacks.

The proposal is well intentioned, of course, because big time intercollegiate athletics is rife with hypocritical, sham programs where players major in sports eligibility. The devil, however, is in the details, where the calculation of graduation rates is less than precise. For example, how best to factor in transfers and early pro league departures?

Here’s a suggestion. Approach it from the other end. Make athletes meet the same incoming criteria as the student body at large, where high school GPAs and SATs matter more than 40-yd time, bench-press reps, vertical leap, touchdown passes and points-per-game average. Let’s ask “Who’s got grades?” — not “Who’s got game?”

Need remedial help? That’s what high schools and community colleges are for. Need to prep for the NBA and NFL? Try hire ed and go semi-pro — and at least be honest about it.

Some Sovereign Sense

It’s been a long time coming, but out of the atrocity of Sept. 11 has come a reality check of America’s immigration policy. In effect, we need a meaningful one.

As a nation of immigrants, we’ve been reluctant to look beyond Statue of Liberty rhetoric that never envisioned 10 million illegal immigrants in a nation at war with Islamic terrorists. Whether “huddled masses” or “muddled asses,” a “c’mon over” sentiment has been the American way.

By contrast, there’s nothing ennobling about “border security,” but it comes with the sovereign territory. The very words “border security” have all the warmth and fuzziness of a “Bad Dog, Keep Out” sign. It’s just that without it, a lot of “yearnings” will go unrealized and undermined.

The experiences of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all “nations of immigrants,” should be illustrative. They have no qualms about saying, in effect, “It’s our country, and we get to choose who’s invited to stay.”

They have quotas as the U.S. does, but they have criteria that make much more sense. Economic and security issues matter more than family connections. For example, age, education level, prioritized skills and English proficiency are critical factors. Family ties are relevant, of course, but they aren’t in themselves determinative.

Patrick Buchanan raised this issue a few years back, but unfortunately his ham-handed, politically incorrect phrasing overwhelmed his argument. “Who would better assimilate into Alexandria, Va.?” he asked. “A hundred thousand Brits or 100,000 Zulus?”

But then, that requires agreement at some point that assimilation — even at the expense of some diversity and charges of racism — is desirable as part of a national immigration policy.

Alvarez Hits Campaign Ground Stumbling

F. Dennis Alvarez has been orchestrating his mayoral plans since retiring as Hillsborough chief judge last March. By all accounts, he has been nursing the ambition since he was too young to vote. With Dick Greco forced to step down next year, the timing would never be better for the 56-year-old Ybor City native.

Never better, but, alas, not good.

There were those recent courthouse controversies and that Aisenberg surveillance bug. The media rehashed it all and then some. The St. Petersburg Times’ account of his formal announcement came under the grim-and-bear-it headline: “Scandal-scarred former judge launches campaign for mayor.” Barely unstated: “Holy LaBrake, this guy wants to run for mayor?”

Wilson Alvarez has had better press.

Then a week later the former judge, who has worked hard for his hometown over the years, underwent an angioplasty.

That ultimately may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for one with previous heart problems — as well as one too enamored of the limelight for his own good health.

Two Minutes for High-Schticking

Prominent piece in this week’s Sports Illustrated on Tampa Bay Lightning goalie Nikolai Khabibulin. The Lightning have been embarrassingly bad for so long that it was refreshing to read something other than ridicule from a national publication.

The area, however, didn’t escape unscathed. The SI piece stooped to a demographic stereotype to underscore how bad Lightning goal tending has been since Darren Pupa’s final back spasm. Tampa Bay, noted the SI article, was a place “where lousy goalies have been outnumbered only by early bird dinner specials.”

It’s vintage SI wise ass. But at least update the cheap shots. It wouldn’t even be hyperbolic to say that lousy goalies have been outnumbered by, say, disgraced judges, Muslim fund-raisers or racial-discrimination plaintiffs at USF.

Two minutes for high-schticking.

It’s About Islam — And It’s About Infidels

It’s not about Islam. It’s not about Islam. It’s not about Islam.

Of course it is.

But no one, from the president on down, can admit it — for obvious reasons. A billion obvious reasons.

Any religion that so self-righteously and definitively divides the world into believers and infidels is a problem. A big problem. It makes it all too easy to pervert in the name of doing unto infidels. And that’s us.

Moreover, Islamic societies have shown a nearly uniform inability to adapt well to the modern world. It’s past time to get over the Crusades — as well as the concept of women as chattel.

As a result, such sovereign societies are not among the world’s most successful — either as economies or democracies. Even the ones awash in oil are mired in corruption, feudal mores and skewed, monarchial priorities — and are running scared from Fundamentalists.

It’s a schizoid scenario that breeds internal unrest and resentment of the West’s culture and values — as well as specific jealousy of America’s economic success and military reach. And that’s just our Muslim friends, allies and “coalition” cronies.

Our Muslim enemies really hate us.

We in the West are resented for who we are and who we were — which doesn’t leave much wiggle room. Certainly not for infidels.

You better believe it’s about Islam — and it’s about infidels. It’s also about time we acknowledged as much.

Rudy’s “Other” Legacy

Rudy Giuliani, of course, was the perfect choice for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” award. Here’s hoping, however, that his post-9/11 leadership and resilience — as well as subsequent political successes — never obscure his most important legacy. He cleaned up the Stygian Stables of Gotham and proved that a big metropolitan colossus wasn’t congenitally dysfunctional — but governable and, even, lovable. On and off Broadway.

With Giuliani out in front, New York meant business. As in investment, commerce, tourism, and safe streets.

Under Giuliani, the city fully implemented the “broken windows” theory of policing, which holds that minor offenses — such as graffiti scrawling, turnstyle-jumping and prostitution — do matter and have a corrosive, ripple effect throughout society. Smut shops were zoned out of Times Square — or out of business. For the last six years, the FBI has ranked New York as the nation’s safest large city.

Were it not for such successes, New Yorkers would have had a pre-Giuliani quality of life to return to after the 9/11 attack. New Yorkers still would have rallied, of course, because they’re tough, but Giuliani made it much easier. New York was on a solvent-and-safe roll and there was no going back — horrific atrocity notwithstanding.

As New York’s point man, Giuliani personified the resolve of the city and by extension, the country. He even made it easy for all Americans to identify and empathize with New Yorkers, no small phenomenon in its own right. And in so doing, he helped bring all Americans together.

Yes, Giuliani had become “America’s Mayor,” but it was two terms in the making. He showed cities across America that the forces of crime, cultural sludge, civic resignation, welfare dependency and urban liberalism need not triumph.

Giuliani proved that it was possible to clean up and govern New York, a task in some ways more daunting than defying terrorists and rebuilding a chunk of South Manhattan.

Rudy Giuliani: After eight years, the right person at the right place for the right Time cover. Hillary Who?

What Goes Around

Now the University of South Florida knows the feeling.

Last night’s disappointing hoops loss to Florida State was the last encounter between the schools for the foreseeable future. FSU wants out and USF, which needs games like these more than the FSUs and University of Floridas, loses a valued, intra-state rivalry game with more crowd appeal than most Sun Dome match-ups.

Too bad for USF, but the Bulls have seen such scenarios before. From the other side.

It was USF’s call in the early ’90s to discontinue the popular, intra-city basketball series with the University of Tampa, a guaranteed big draw for a program in chronic need of such games. The rationale was that playing a Division II school didn’t help its chances of getting into the NCAA tournament. Never mind that USF’s record against the other 30 teams on its schedule counted a lot more.

There was also the spirited USF-UT rivalry in soccer than ended in 1997. The Mayor’s Cup game could pack Pepin-Rood Stadium. But there was that Division II damper. And never mind that UT was — and is — really, really good. The Spartans are the current Division II national champions.

Moreover, USF didn’t encourage the University of Central Florida to pursue an intra-state series in football. Florida or Florida State would be more than acceptable, thank you, because they are prestigious programs who dangle big guarantee money for visiting teams. UCF, which did beat Alabama last season, is not in that class. Almost no one is.

That a natural I-4 rivalry could transcend the appeal of Conference USA foes — Cincinnati, Memphis, Texas Christian? — was never a factor. It should have been.

So be it. Those were USF’s calls; this was FSU’s. All of them were made with a narrow self-interest in mind. And none of them were good for the schools involved.

Maginot Line Of Security Screening

Item: Valrico’s own Barry Brunstein recently went two out of three when unwittingly carrying his loaded 9 mm Beretta pistol by airport security in Tampa, Atlanta and Memphis. Only Memphis prevented the hat trick of breached security by nabbing Brunstein for packing heat in his carry-on bag.

Item: The Transportation Security Administration has announced that it will not insist that security screeners be high school graduates. Such insistence, mind you, would have disqualified a quarter of the work force of 28,000.

Alarm bells should be sounding everywhere, including TIA and Hartsfield International, over this turn of events. Is the federal takeover of airport security little more than a recycling of the minimum wage, maximum attitude personnel who are part of the problem? They are no match for the bumbling Barry Brunsteins, let alone the malevolent Mohammed Attas.

Is it too much to ask that those who we entrust to help keep a planeload of 747 passengers from a horrific death not drop out of high school? Is the first line of defense in America’s war on terrorism the Maginot Line of security screening?

Ultimate Quality-of-Life Issue

For long-time residents, Bay Area mass transit is as classic an oxymoron as George Carlin’s jumbo shrimp. A few bus lines doesn’t count, unless you’re of the socio-economic class that must use them. Reportedly, the issue of mess transit kept Tampa off the U.S. Olympic Committee’s short list of finalists.

There have been proposals and studies and blue ribbon panels and public hearings and even a pro-commuter rail editorial by the Tampa Tribune. But nothing is ultimately addressed but paving priorities. Cost savings, congestion alleviation and air-quality upgrades never carry the day — especially when the other side of the equation is a tax hike and locals’ love affair with their automobiles and SUVs.

Well, here’s one more arrow for that light-rail quiver. It will save lives.

A survey by Washington-based TRIP — The Road Information Report — has ranked the Tampa-St. Petersburg areas as the second worst in the country when it comes to fatality rates for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Tourists — including elderly snowbirds who nest in the passing lanes — and normal Florida population growth continue to overwhelm the Interstate system. Catching up with asphalt is neither an option nor a possibility.

Perhaps the ultimate quality-of-life issue — fatality rates — will make a difference.


“Second Chance” for Marriott

Nice to hear that the Tampa Organization of Black Affairs will hold its annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast at the Marriott Waterside. Less nice was a reference, as reported by Times’ columnist Ernest Hooper, of TOBA board member Ken Anthony. According to Anthony, TOBA was giving the hotel a “second chance” after last summer’s unfortunate, infamous and unfair punch bowl incident.

That travesty, lest you’ve forgotten, involved rumors of a white server maybe-possibly-ostensibly tainting a bowl of fruit punch that resulted in 800 attendees of the mostly black Progressive National Baptist Convention walking out on a pricey dinner. Nothing was ever proven except that Tampa is racially profiled — and vulnerable to race-card playing. The PNBC, after smearing a hotel’s reputation and assassinating the character of an employee, won’t comment — except to its attorneys.

“Second chance?” That gives effrontery a bad name. How about a “second chance” for those who walk out on a bill and then try to hold a city’s and a hotel’s reputation hostage to claims of racism? The Marriott, quite arguably, did nothing wrong except give the PNBC a “first chance.”