
* “By joining NATO, Finland strengthens its own security and assumes its responsibility. … (Finland wants) to take care of the practical questions arising from being a neighbor of Russia in a correct and professional manner.”–Sauli Ninistro, president of Finland, which shares a 810-mile long border with Russia.

* “We believe that Russia should be officially recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism.”–Ukraine President Zolodymyr Zelenskyy.

* “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kind of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”–Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

* “They’re not conducting a legitimate investigation.”–House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, on subpoenas issued to him and others by the Jan. 6 insurrection committee—and why they haven’t felt compelled to cooperate.

* “Would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades.”–Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on the impact of eliminating the right to access abortion services.

* “What we are calling for is a total ban, no exceptions. We don’t think abortion is ever necessary to save the life of the mother.”–Matt Sande, legislative director of Pro-Life Wisconsin. Yes, he really said that.

* “What happened at the Court is tremendously bad. I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them.”–SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, on the leak of the Roe v. Wade draft opinion.

* “There is a real movement to suppress the expression of anything that opposes the secular orthodoxy.”–Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, 2021.

* “The Founding Fathers would be less surprised that there’s a popular musical about Alexander Hamilton than they would be that, in an age of space travel, the internet and in vitro fertilization, the majority of the Court is relying on a literal interpretation of a document conceived in the agrarian 1780s.”–Maureen Dowd, New York Times.

* “The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself.”–The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y.

* “It might be a game-changer.”–Marty Newell, coordinator for Rural Broadband Policy at the Center for Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, Ky., on President Biden’s announcement of discounted internet service for low-income Americans.

* “The aggressive, disruptive and unforgiving mindset that characterizes so much of our politics has found a home in many American churches.”–Peter Wehner, The Atlantic.

* “The fight over congressional districts now shifts from the statehouse to the courthouse.”–Ben Diamond, a St. Petersburg Democrat and a member of the Florida House.

Rally For The Cause

In the biggest leak since Deep Throated Watergate and the Pentagon Papers publication, the SCOTUS draft opinion of Justice Samuel Alito is now part of the polarizing public record–and a precursor of the Court likely striking down Roe v. Wade.

It’s a sobering, Machiavellian reminder that even on an issue such as a woman’s bodily autonomy–one that polls show most Americans agree with–presidents have a workaround with Supreme Court nominations. As a result of Donald Trump’s right-wing-appointments legacy, the Court is now perversely politicized. John Roberts is no longer even a swing vote. It’s likely we’ll have more red states, with Florida obviously no exception, that will push the anti-abortion agenda even further legislatively.

Call it a democratic inflection point for the ultimate in women’s rights. One that comes at a time when the Democratic Party faces fraught mid-terms behind a scuffling, incumbent president.

It doesn’t sound very progressive for Democrats to fall in line–and not in love–but that is what’s required if the Dems are to do everything possible to prevent reversing a half century of settled law of the land. That means rallying around Roe for America to choose choice and female freedom over the criminalization of abortion.

It also means an issue so galvanizing that it could even avert a worst-case mid-term scenario for the Dems—and help reduce the fundraising gap with GOPsters. With that in mind, let’s not forget the idealistic hissy fitters who enabled Trump by staying home in 2016 because Hillary Clinton—not Bernie Sanders—was their party’s presidential nominee. That has to be an ongoing, teachable moment, and Democrats have to be relentless in tying Republicans to women’s-rights denigration.

You can’t just talk about it now.” emphasizes Florida state Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando. “You have to keep talking about it because what we don’t want to happen is for this to fall off people’s radars.”

In short, if Roe v. Wade can be overturned, nothing is off the table. And that includes reversing right wing-nut momentum.

Dem Notes

* Karine Jean-Pierre has replaced Jen Psaki as White House press secretary. She is the first black woman and openly LGBTQ person to serve in that role. She had been Psaki’s deputy press secretary. Jean-Pierre is a former political analyst with NBC and MSNBC. Psaki will be joining MSNBC.

* First Lady Jill Biden visited Ukraine and met up with her counterpart, Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska, to literally and symbolically show continued support for Ukraine.

* “The only thing that could save us is if the Republicans nominate a bunch of far-right crazies that are unacceptable in a general election.”–Ohio Democratic strategist Dale Butland.


* The W.H.O. estimates that nearly 15 million people died due to the coronavirus or because of factors attributed to the pandemic.

* An estimated 1.5 million retirees have re-entered the U.S. labor market over the past year. Millions of older Americans had stopped working during the pandemic.

* Less than half of vaccinated Floridians are boosted. Booster shots, as we’ve been informed, are the best protection against severe illness and death from the latest variants.

* Total U.S. population that is boosted: 26 percent. Total Florida population that is boosted: 30 percent.

* Positivity: Florida—13 percent; Hillsborough County—8 percent.


* Attorney General Ashley Moody, recently noted that 21 people die every day in Florida because of opioid abuse. AG Moody also announced that Walgreens had settled with the state to the tune of $683 million over its role in contributing to the epidemic.

* Travel demand to Florida has outpaced the rest of the nation during the pandemic recovery.

* The Gulf of Mexico accounts for about 14 percent of the U.S.’s crude oil production.

Tampa Bay

* The last black woman to serve on Tampa’s City Council was Gwen Miller, who left office more than a decade ago (2011).

* The evolving art museum scene includes much more than paintings and sculptures and expansion. It also involves “the experience”–from lectures to interactive ambiance. Now, in the case of St. Petersburg’s Dali Museum, director Hank Hine even sent the museum cafe’s chef, Chuck Bandel, to work on the Spanish coast near Dali’s home of Figueres so he could master the, well, art of Spanish cuisine. “The appeal of that is that it prolongs the museum experience,” explained Hine.

* Vinik crosses bay. The city of Clearwater has chosen a partnership between Tampa-based Vinik Sports Group and OVG360, a division of Los Angeles-based Oak View Group to manage and operate the $84 million Imagine Clearwater development.

Foreign Affairs

* Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says it will cost his country at least $600 billion to rebuild what has been destroyed during the Russian invasion.

* Russia has been losing valuable military equipment, and replacements are hard to come by. One key reason: Sanctions that are strangling its military production lines by stopping the flow of microchips.

* The EU has plans to sanction the Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Kirill, a Putin supporter and leading advocate of the Ukraine invasion. What would Jesus say?

* Roughly one third of the tourists arriving in Cuba last year were from Russia. The war in Ukraine deflated that boom.

Media Matters

*This just in: Chubby Checker is still not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The latest inductees: Lionel Richie, Carly Simon, Dolly Parton, Duran Duran, Pat Benatar, the Eurythmics and Eminem.

Eminem but no Chubby Checker?

* Season 5 of “The Crown” is coming to Netflix in November. Major cast changes will be evident, including an older, third iteration of Queen Elizabeth (Imelda Staunton of Harry Potter fame). It will focus on the 1990s, including the melodramatics and tragedy involving Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

* “The sworn enemy of lying.”–That’s how the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show is disingenuously characterized by *ucker Carlson.

* RuTube: the Russian version of YouTube.


* The stock market is beyond volatile. Reaction and over-reaction are daily occurrences. Price stability and employment are ongoing subplots. It’s enough to prompt one to empathize with President Harry Truman, who once drolly remarked in frustration that he would prefer a “one-armed economist,” one who might be precluded from saying “but on the other hand.”

* The “far right” is too close.

* Whatever else is going on—from Vlad Putin to Ron DeSantis: It’s a better day when both the Bolts and the Rays win.

* With the expiration of the federal mask mandate on planes, a new flying etiquette has dawned. Since masking is now an individual choice, it’s cause for some to celebrate, for others to double down on their anxiety. So, how does a mask-wearing passenger react to a seatmate sans mask? Having soothing music may help. As might diaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness techniques.

There’s also the cut-to-the-chase approach with a maskless seatmate. Be polite and, if possible, nuanced. Maybe, after respectfully introducing yourself, try: “I’m immuno-compromised. Would you be willing to mask up this trip?” Or offer a tissue if they sneeze. And humor can always help. As in: “I think you’re going to want me wear this mask after I ate all those garlic fries.”

Or maybe just go with: “You know, I’ll just bet you look even better in a mask—kinda like Mitch McConnell does.” But only after confirming your seat change.