Signs of generational climate-change activism at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate:
> “March now or swim later.”
> “There is no Planet B.”
Signs of generational climate-change activism at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate:
> “March now or swim later.”
> “There is no Planet B.”
Regardless, it’s still the Tampa Bay Rays, not the Gas Plant Redevelopment Rays.
That goes back to his FSU days. He played in FSU’s 1989 Sugar Bowl win over Auburn, even though he had quit going to classes or taken any final exams the previous semester. Now all college players have to have successfully completed the previous semester in order to be eligible for a bowl game. Chances are, none of his UC players have ever heard of the “Deion Sanders Rule,” but some administrators have.
“We are all going to start slitting throats on Day One.”
No, that wasn’t some ISIS monster declaring what looms for helpless hostages. That was presidential candidate Ron DiSastrous, underscoring his priority to clean up the “deep state.”
Words, of course, do matter, especially when they’re spewed—not spoken. Sure, it’s only rhetoric, but it’s abhorrent, dangerous and disgusting—especially at a time when this country needs healing from hateful divisiveness—not a rhetorical doubling down on our worst instincts.
“Carnage” never sounded so benign.