* “America was always
strong on self-interest, but it has been very generous. That generosity seems
to be gone, and that’s bad news for the world.”–Jan Techau, senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin.
* “This crisis has exposed
the deep fissures and failures in our culture and the incompetence of so many
of our federal leaders. And a reckoning must be had; we are already seeing
calls for an inquiry akin to the 9/11 commission into why we were so
unprepared. … Many Americans are likely to die who could have been protected
had the nation been better prepared and better led. Top-down direction is
critical.”–Anne-Marie Slaughter,
chief executive of New America.
* “There is broad general
agreement that small businesses in this country will not be able to survive
unless there is extraordinary assistance.”–Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
* “When the government
shut down the economy, it assumed the responsibility of bringing it
back.”–Rep. Russ Fulcher,
R-Idaho, in the aftermath of the government stepping in with $2 trillion rescue
* “We are actively
monitoring the situation and the possible impact of the crisis on consumer
demand. When we can safely resume production, we will.”–General Motors
spokesman David Barnass, while
announcing that GM would be suspending production at its North American
factories indefinitely, laying off 6,500 salaried employees and cutting
executive pay.
* “Really, the message is
this: that this is a unique situation, it’s not like a typical downturn. The
Federal Reserve is working hard to support you now, and our policies will be
very important when the recovery does come.”–Fed Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell.
* “Philanthropy can’t
replace the efforts of national governments on a challenge as massive as the
coronavirus pandemic. But it can support and augment those efforts, and help
fill in gaps, and that’s what we’re doing.”–Michael Bloomberg.
* “There is hope in the
fact that the impressive containment achieved so far in East Asia has been
accomplished with a variety of different policies, different degrees of
lockdown and distancing, but one major commonality: the wide-spread use of
masks.”–Ross Douthat, New York Times.
* “It doesn’t matter that
at least half of what (Trump’s) saying is at best wrong and at worst encourages
people to do the wrong things. He’s the leader. And the media is basically
doing what it did in 2016 and giving the reality-TV star what he wants.”–Bob Kerrey, former Democratic senator
and governor of Nebraska.
* “Right now, for the life
of me, I don’t know who speaks for Department of Homeland Security.”–Janet Napolitano, former secretary of
homeland security under Barack Obama.
* “Polls say Trump’s
popularity had edged up a little since the virus struck. The fact remains that,
for a wartime commander in chief, he’s unpopular. He is beatable. So is the
virus, because America is smarter and better than Trump’s hunches.”–Roger Cohen, New York Times.
* “In this hour of crisis,
state officials should do all they can to hold their elections as soon as
possible. The legitimacy of the eventual Democratic nominee could depend on
it.”–Historian Jon Meacham.
* “Only fools would expect
the government to protect them from the spread of this powerful and deadly
disease. Isolation is critical.”–Jay
Wolfson, a professor at USF’s College of Public Health and an expert on
health care policy.
* “(President Donald Trump
and Gov. Ron DeSantis) have both shown strong leadership, and Floridians are
better off because of their response to this virus. … The media will never
give President Trump or Gov. DeSantis a fair shake. But to my eye, they have
been working together tirelessly to protect us from this threat.”–Joe Gruters, chairman of the Republican
Party of Florida.
* “After all the hard
work, we don’t want it to now get seeded as people flee the hot zone.”–Gov. Ron DeSantis, in issuing executive orders that require a 14-day
quarantine for travelers newly arriving from the New York area, currently the
epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak.
* “We need to modernize
our voting systems to protect voters, and our partnership with the DNC to enroll Floridians in
vote-by-mail does just that. If Trump and DeSantis won’t act to protect the
vote from a global pandemic, we will.”–Juan Penalosa, the Florida Democratic Party’s executive director,
in reference to the FDP and the DNC partnering to launch a massive texting
campaign to encourage Floridians to register to vote by mail.
* “As a company that
started as a small business 90 years ago, Publix wants to help businesses
renting from us survive the economic impact of these unexpected
closures.”–Publix spokeswoman
Maria Brous, in announcing that Publix was waiving rent for two months to
businesses that operate in any of the 282 shopping centers that Publix owns.
* “To alleviate some of
your stress during this time of uncertainty, USF is giving you the option to
take your spring 2020 semester classes with a satisfactory or unsatisfactory
(pass-fail) grade,”–Paul Dosal,
USF’s vice president for student success. USF, FSU and UCF are expanding
pass-fail grading due to the coronavirus.
* “The reality is this is
going to be a long haul.”–Mayor
Jane Castor.