* “She has to manage her wardrobe so these men can manage their libidos?”–Jack Tuckner, attorney for plaintiff Debralee Lorenzana, who has filed a sexual discrimination suit against Citigroup, claiming she was fired for looking too sexy.
* “Why do people come to Florida? The ocean, the coasts, the beaches. This is the lifeline of our state. We’re not going to have any offshore drilling in Florida.”–Jeff Greene, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate.
* “Let’s pass a real emigration bill: Unless you can prove you’re a Cherokee…”–Florida poet Steve Kronen.
* “You could always find reasons for why you shouldn’t do something, but I’ve always been of a mind to find a reason why we should do it.”–Sandy MacKinnon, Florida State Fair Authority chairman, on looking into possible development scenarios at the Fairgrounds.
* “One way or another, if people care about baseball, collectively the region will figure something out. If they don’t care about baseball, it will work itself out in another way.”–Tampa Bay Rays’ owner Stu Sternberg.