So, Minneapolis, a city once thought to have a better shot at regaining the Lakers than landing a big Republican bash, has been awarded the ultimate: the 2008 GOP convention.
Was it politics or was it hurricanes? Call it the politics of hurricanes. You think anybody – starting with RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman — wants to answer for what the weather around here might be like the first week of September 2008? Hurricane Ken loomed for Mehlman.
Rationales were found to go elsewhere. Inroads into Democratic territory. A really nice meeting facility. Nostalgia for the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Pre-emption of Dems who were also eyeballing electoral-vote challenged Minnesota. And Gov. Jeb phoned it in again.
Frankly, Cleveland and New York have a case too.
Regardless, Al Austin deserved better. Bad news for the GOP’s consummate good soldier.