
* Here’s one sure way to get the attention of University of Florida officials who had been showing more fealty to state politics than to a university’s societal and constitutional charges. Faculty union leaders calling on donors to withhold contributions until UF takes steps to assert its independence from state politicians and commitment to academic freedom.

* As a result of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, at least $13 billion is coming to Florida for roads and bridge repairs plus funding for increased broadband coverage and airport upgrades. It was relatively bipartisan with Mitch McConnell and 18 Senate GOPsters voting yes. But Florida senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott voted no.

* “History made. Jobs created. Lives and communities will change. This is a WIN!”–Florida state Sen. Shevrin Jones, on passage of the infrastructure bill.

* “The bottom line is we are dealing with a much more ruthless and sophisticated operator than Rick Scott was.”–Kartik Krishnaiyer, Democratic consultant, on the politicized challenges presented by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

* The “Friends of Ron DeSantis” political committee is promoting beer koozies and other merchandise featuring the vintage DeSantis message: “How the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on?”

* A new “freedom”-framed Florida law that eases restrictions and encourages people to run businesses from home is encountering predictable pushback. Not all home-based businesses are a good neighborhood fit. Exhibit A: The owner of Popping Smoke Ammunition filed paperwork to start up–seriously–his ammo-supply company from his 2-bedroom home in Lauderdale Lakes.

* A reminder. “Florida’s election in 2020 was accurate, transparent, and conducted in compliance with Florida law.”–Secretary of State Laurel Lee.

* StonerSpeak: “If Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis does not order an audit of the 2020 election to expose the fact that that there are over 1 million phantom voters on the Florida voter rolls in the Sunshine State, I may be forced to seek the Libertarian Party nomination for governor of Florida in 2022.”–Trump acolyte Roger Stone.

* Florida is home to 23 of the 25 most at-risk American cities from sea-level rise resulting from climate change.

* Seven of the 50 worst commutes in the U.S. are in Florida.

* Florida is the country’s most dangerous place for pedestrians.

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