* Upcoming Democratic debates are being hosted by the usual hosts: Familiar television networks, regional affiliates and local newspapers. Now add a couple of notable newcomers: Apple News and Twitter. It helps refocus their high-profile, often controversial, societal roles and impact–plus Public Relations 101.
* We know that none of the candidates does nearly as well with African-Americans as Joe Biden. But Tom Steyer is making a big pitch. A 12-figured one. Steyer says he would invest $125 billion in historically black colleges and universities and create an H.B.C.U. Board of Regents.
* This just in: Birmingham’s African-American Mayor Randall Woodfin has endorsed Biden. “I think he would view mayors as his partners in the campaign,” said Woodfin, “and he would view us as partners in the White House.” Could be a consolation prize for South Bend’s Pete Buttigieg if Biden were to win out.
* “The debates are not definitive and they haven’t been. Our campaign continues, debate or not.”–Sen. Cory Booker.
* At 37, Buttigieg is barely old enough to be president. But should 2020 result in the inauguration of President Buttigieg, he would be, at 39, the same age that Emmanuel Macron was when he became president of France.
* “We don’t see anyone who can put together the Obama coalition.”–Trump senior adviser Jared Kushner.