Two quick takeaways from what’s been happening in St. Petersburg.
* Mayor Rick Kriseman is behind former Mayor Rick Baker and needs a game changer while praying for the dodged bullet of a major storm. The Tampa Bay Times even recommended Baker. Ouch. Rick K’s best bet: Passionately play the Democratic Party card, even though this is technically (wink-nod) nonpartisan. Remind communities of impact and influence, notably gay and African-American, that you’ve always been on their side–and you’re not averse to condemning Trump values that too many Republicans have had to rhetorically tap dance around. Note the slippery style of Baker.
Remind them that you actually march in the Pride Parade; you don’t do a GOPster tap dance. Keep recycling that reminder in a multi-media appeal. And why not get your African-American Deputy Mayor Kanika Tomalin into Midtown to remind the black community that you can be trusted to do the right thing. Tomalin, a native of St. Pete (Boca Ciega High) is a player–not a token–and she could make a turn-out difference by extending Kriseman’s electoral reach.
* Too bad that Black Lives Matter can’t go beyond its cop-killing niche of black lives selectively mattering and use its forum to help rein in the car-theft crime wave that too often involves black teens. Seemingly consequence-free “joyriding” has turned deadly for the teen thieves and imperiled the innocent.