Supreme Court’s “Straw Buyer” Decision

First the good news.

In a decision approved by both gun control groups and the Obama Administration, the Supreme Court has decided that the federal government may, indeed, enforce a law that bans “straw” purchases of guns intended for others. The rationale had everything to do with the fact that background checks of those buying guns keep them out of the hands of convicted felons and the mentally ill. It also helps law enforcement do its job when it needs to trace guns used in crimes back to their buyers.

Of course, the Supreme Court upheld the feds’ right to enforce the “straw” buyer law. It’s a matter of common sense and public safety.

Now the sobering news.

This was no black-robed slam dunk. The Supreme Court ruling was by a 5-4 vote.

This was not Bush v. Gore. This was about not allowing somebody to buy a gun for somebody else. Imagine the potential scenarios in 21st century, Second Amendment-venerating America. But no unanimity here.

It was a classic 5-4, ideological split with Justice Anthony Kennedy deciding the outcome. The reality is that the Supreme Court is just a swing vote from saying, in effect: “You lied on a federal form? You’re actually buying a gun for someone else? No problem.”


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