Tough Question, Obvious Answer

On his recent appearance on Bay News 9’s Political Connections, former Gov. Charlie Crist was asked about his decision to opt for a Senate race instead of running for re-election in 2010. He gets this question a lot, of course, including rhetorically from the Rick Scott campaign. However likeably glib, Crist still comes up short on a credible answer.

For openers, he says he has no regrets.

What? Democrats and more than a few establishment GOPsters are still cursing the political gods over Crist’s ill-timed, senatorial ambition. It set off a ripple effect that resulted in Scott as governor. Thanks again, Charlie.

“The reality is we needed somebody in Washington who was civil and who would do the right thing for Florida and America,” said Crist by way of an explanation.

In other words, a complaisant, freshman senator would be so much more helpful than a pragmatic, incumbent governor in position to max out on more stimulus help from the Obama Administration. Think Gov. Crist, ideological chameleon-status notwithstanding, would have turned down high-speed rail funding or not lifted a finger to advance the acceptance of Medicaid expansion? He may have tried to avoid a sequel presidential hug, but he would have welcomed the federal help in a time of unprecedented need.

At least be honest, Charlie. Admit that it was a seemingly self-serving, ironically dumb move on your part when Florida was being economically blindsided. And that you regret it. Of course, you do. What you did was regrettably bad for your Sunshine State. But the people you need to turn out and vote for you deserve a candid answer, not insulting, boilerplate pabulum.

No, they won’t forget, but they will forgive–in the name of doing whatever it takes to get rid of Scott and undermine his Tea Partying acolytes.

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