When It Rains, It Pours Idiocy

We hadn’t had rain in several weeks. You’d think it was years.

Does anyone, most notably familiar commuters, really not know about flooding on Bayshore Boulevard? As in, it doesn’t take much for a downpour to cause a flooded Bayshore. In a hurry.

Bayshore is a low-lying area. The name and locale kind of give it away. Waves cascade over the balustrade when it rains hard. This is Florida; it rains hard a lot. Along Bayshore, run-off can quickly stop running. Over-taxed sewers are soon over-capacitated.

Come on. Even if you’re driving a pick-up with tires fit for a RayJay monster truck rally, don’t be an idiot. Either drive really, really, really slowly on Bayshore or turn off, go down to Swann Avenue and continue on where there’s no need for a no-wake zone.

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