Almost Accurate

The Florida Sheriff’s Association is ratcheting up its effort to fight the legalization of medical marijuana. The association is now drawing in substance-abuse awareness and anti-drug groups to participate in its “Don’t Let Florida Go To Pot” campaign aimed at defeating the medical marijuana referendum in November. The FSA has emailed all 67 sheriffs across the state for their support of a resolution opposing Amendment 2.

“Of the 67 sheriffs, 63 cast their vote to support the resolution,” said Steve Casey, executive director of the FSA, “and four abstained from voting on the issue.

“We think those other four will come around,” stressed Casey. “We need to remind them that marijuana is a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. It’s one of the big four: heroin, LSD, meth and marijuana. They were all societal threats in 1970 when President Nixon signed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, and nothing has changed. These abstaining sheriffs need to see Reefer Madness. I think it’s available through Netflix.

“I’ll even add an analogy that we can all agree on,” added Casey. “One of the reasons we don’t have normal trade and travel relations with Cuba is because it’s a terrorist state. Look it up. It’s one of the State Department’s big four: Syria, Iran, Sudan and Cuba. Same thing. You don’t normalize or legalize threats.”

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