We all understand political sign language. Part of it comes with the pragmatic, party-insider territory. From calculated, safe, nuanced praise to boldly complimentary shout outs. Context dictates. So, when State Sen. Tom Lee answered queries by confirming that he was, indeed, on the short list of Rick Scott’s lieutenant-governor candidates, it might have been expected that he would choose the former form of polite, pro forma acknowledgment.
He chose, however the latter.
“I do consider it a great honor,” gushed Lee, a reasonable Republican who wouldn’t look good in a tri-corner hat, “and I do admire the governor and what he’s accomplished politically in our state.”
Frankly, a “yes,” would have been, however disappointing, sufficient.
Speaking of the lieutenant-governor search, Scott’s chief of staff Adam Hollingsworth has said the governor is not looking for a demographic token. This time the search is for a true “steward of the governor’s vision and character.”
Question: Is that even possible? Moreover, if Scott is successful in such a search, isn’t that kind of scary?