Media Matters

* It is, of course, way too late now. Too bad the media, then Democrats and the president himself, ultimately helped mainstream the term “Obamacare.” That was a Republican coinage meant to personally demonize the Affordable Care Act and make it easier to rally against. The media, a good chunk of which loves informing via bumper-sticker sound bite, yielded early and adopted “Obamacare,” which made it easier for the agenda-driven opposition. The “ACA” or “Affordable Health” short-hand never got traction.

* According to, a job board that looks at college majors and salaries in their related fields, these are the top five majors with the highest average salaries: accounting, pharmacy, finance, business administration and public relations. Business and health-care related categories make eminent sense. As for all those other majors, including the lowest: social work, criminal justice, psychology and elementary education, they’re going to need some serious PR help.

* Not to pick on the Tampa Bay Times or its well-regarded movie critic Steve Persall, but that “Critics Calls” checklist the Times runs weekly is hardly helpful. The category keys are: “Don’t miss,” “Don’t hurry” and “Don’t bother.” Don’t think that’s enough. Something’s obviously amiss. A recent example: The Times’ “Don’t miss” category included: Blue Jasmine, The Butler and Kick-Ass 2. C’mon. How does that help a reader? Or is that not its purpose?

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