Whatever way this is spun, Lake Wales Republican JD Alexander, the arrogant, term-limited, legacy-lusting chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, has gotten what he wanted most: Senate approval (35-4) of his improbable plan for an immediately independent Polytechnic University in Lakeland. No matter that Polyahoo makes no sense academically or economically.
Those “draconian” budget cuts initially imposed upon USF were Alexander’s considerable leverage. The Senate-approved plan for 2012-13 has resulted in a more equitable $45 million loss to USF Tampa. To its credit, USF rallied its community and united this region. In the end, sighs of USF relief were audible.
But celebratory face-saving was also in evidence. The Alexander-USF clash was not a zero-sum game, but close enough. To be sure, there was a losing side: USF Poly students and faculty and Florida taxpayers. That remains an outrage. An unaccredited, STEMless, benchmarks-be-damned, throwing-good-money-after bad outrage.
Along the way, a couple of sub-plots have been developing. Most notable: the unlikeliest of white knights riding to the aid of a budget-bludgeoned USF. The less-than-distinguished, ethics-challenged Sen. Jim Norman, R-Tampa, who was a late addition to the budget committee after Mike Fasano was kicked off, became USF’s legislative voice. He did his homework, filed amendments and was effective behind the scenes and outspoken at hearings. Ralph who?
And thanks for nothing, Jack Latvala. The Clearwater Republican stood up for Alexander and stood down for USF.
Ultimately, the House and, likely, the governor will be weighing in. Interestingly enough, Gov. Scott is on the record as a skeptic about creating a 12th state university while the state remains in slow, economic-recovery mode.
But Scott was pretty skeptical about SunRail too.