* Police chiefs and sheriffs are signing up to be part of a federal immigration program that allows local officers to stop and question people about their immigration status. Call it what it is: a Racial Profiling Program.
* January ended with 172,000 homes for sale. That’s the highest number of any month in records dating back to 2012. It’s up nearly 23% from a year earlier.
* Medicaid, now a Washington spending-cut target, is the primary payer for nursing home care.
* A Republican State Senator recently made the case for truly conservative Republicans to not go against a limited-government credo. Don’t pay for campaigning against amendments, urged Sen. Jennifer Bradley. She proposed a ban on using state funds to advocate for or against constitutional amendments, including those dealing with abortion and recreational marijuana. It also helps some otherwise spineless Republicans that Gov. DisAstrous is now a lame *uck.
“This amendment makes sure that taxpayers don’t get the bill for political issue campaigns,” explained Bradley. Hell, Rick Scott should even agree not to leave taxpayers “on the hook.”
* Among those who recommended against the use of fluoride in drinking water: Sturgeon General Joseph Ladope-o. The key reason: It harms children’s IQ’s. Among those not in agreement: Dental and real health experts.
* Publix will not allow illustrations of any flag other than that of the U.S. on cakes. Desert this ideology, please.