* Amid widespread allegations of electoral fraud, Nicolas Maduro has begun his third term as Venezuela’s president. He was sworn in as the U.S., U.K. and the European Union imposed new sanctions. A collapsing economy has resulted in the exodus of nearly 8 million Venezuelans over the last decade.
* Speaking of Venezuela, special mission envoy Richard Grenell visited Caracas and met with Maduro to urge him to take back deported migrants who are criminals and release several imprisoned Americans.
* Canada will hold a presidential election in October. “It’s time for a reset,” said PM Justin Trudeau, who announced he will be stepping down after nine years. Polls predict a landslide victory for populist Pierre Pailievre and his Conservative Party.
* Qatar has become a Middle East asset by helping with the Israeli-Hamas cease fire and the prisoner swap with Afghanistan’s Taliban.
* Colombia has refused to allow two planes carrying America-deported migrants to land. Trump then imposed tariffs and sanctions. Game on.
* Thailand is the third place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. It joins Taiwan and Nepal.