
  • “There will always be forces that pull our countries apart. … Our task, our test, is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than the forces pulling us apart.”—President Joe Biden, in his final address to the U.N. General Assembly.
  • “American policy, when it comes to Israel and Gaza, is incredibly unpopular worldwide.”—S. Hellyer, a Carnegie Endowment Middle East scholar.
  • “The fact is that a successful president is much more about organization, vision and values than it is about the scope of a given legislative package.”—Jamelle Bouie,
  • “Tariffs…it’s a very populist message. But the fact is … They’re a tax.”—Former Kansas Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.
  • “What Trump has done to the Republican Party, Musk has done to Twitter. … Musk has transformed Twitter into a dull, fetid cesspool of white nationalism and paranoid lies.”—Michelle Goldberg, New York Times.
  • “The only way people leave Washington is in a pine box or in handcuffs. This power stuff is addictive.”—Democratic political strategist James Carville.
  • “Are we looking at crime rates at a return to pre-pandemic levels? I think a reasonable person would look at that and say, ‘Yes, that’s what has happened.’”—Brian Griffin, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division.
  • “The same faculty who are quick to assert their academic freedom are always silent on the duties that accompany that freedom.”—Ray Rodrigues, chancellor of Florida’s state university system.
  • “Like someone came in with a bulldozer and just tore everything down.”—How Sam Henderson, the mayor of Gulfport, described the impact of Hurricane Helene on downtown Gulfport.

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