Trumpster Diving

  • “I don’t believe in ‘win/win.’ I believe in I win.”—Donald Trump on his zero-sum perspective.
  • Who the hell other than Trump thought it was a good idea to sit on stage with an interviewing journalist in front of a gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists? His take on Kamala Harris’ morphing from Indian to Black didn’t go over well, to say the least.
  • If Trump debates Harris, a former prosecutor well prepped to take on a felon, it means the race is closer than his campaign had assumed. Debating Harris would be like testifying, over the advice of counsel, at your own trial.
  • Trump, of course, is an autocrat. When in charge, he also presides, as it were, over a chaotic adhocracy.
  • According to the Pew Research Center, white evangelicals went 77% for Trump in 2016 and 84% in 2020.
  • “I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump in this campaign.”—Mike Pence.
  • “I love my black job.”—Olympic gold medal gymnast Simone Biles.
  • Lesley Stahl of CBS News once asked Trump, off camera, why he engaged in so much media bashing. His candid response: “I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.”
  • Before his fealty flip, Lindsey Graham once tweeted: “You know how to make America great again? Tell @real Donald Trump to go to hell.”
  • MAGA: Make America Grating Again.
  • “I never prepare for a big deal. I go in and I look the other guy in the eye and I make the big play and that’s how I built my business empire—and that’s why I am the greatest negotiator in the history of the presidency.” –Donald Trump on why he remains unread and unprepared before important negotiations. At least Vlad Putin appreciates the approach.
  • “Who is our bigger enemy, (Fed Chair) Jay Powel (sic) or Chairman Xi?—D. Trump.
  • The problem with Trump was that “he always does the wrong thing.”—Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
  • “He’s a lying mother f***er, but a lot of fun to hang out with.”—Lindsey Graham.
  • “The Slim Reaper”: How Melania Trump’s chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, referred to Jared Kushner.
  • Hulk Hogan spoke at the GOP convention—but not as the VP nominee.
  • “She’s crazy. She’s nuts.”—Trump in an ad hominem, juvenile insult of Kamala Harris.
  • MAGA: Make America Grieve Again.

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