Trumpster Diving


  • Not a HUGE issue: SCOTUS ruled against a man who wanted to trademark “Trump Too Small.” No, it wasn’t Little Marco.
  • According to the DOJ, approximately 1,500 people have been charged for crimes related to the riotous breach of the U.S. Capitol on 6.
  • Candidate Loose Lips has referenced Milwaukee, where the upcoming GOP national convention will take place, as a “horrible city.” Unsurprisingly, that hasn’t gone over well in Milwaukee. Also, no surprise that the DNC has turned it into high-profile campaign billboards across Milwaukee. Wisconsin is a key swing state and went from purple to blue enough in 2020.
  • Key swing state Michigan has the largest concentration of Arab-Americans—more than 310,000. No surprise that even Trump, the proven Islamophobe, is making hypocritical outreach efforts to Arab Americans.
  • Trump’s inimical take on the DOJ “witch hunt” and what’s next: “Haul out the Guillotine.” If you insist.
  • “It’s time to save the Republican Party by voting against it.”—The Lincoln Project.
  • “Have to admit I’m surprised that Speaker Johnson wants to be in the ‘I cheated on my wife with a porn star’ club. I guess he’s not concerned with teaching morality to our young people at all.”—Former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney.

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