
  • “History is a lively abode, full of surprises.”—Author Erik Larson.
  • “These actions will ratchet up the risk that foreign financial institutions take by dealing with Russia’s war economy.”—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, in announcing sanctions targeting Chinese companies that help Russia in its war against Ukraine.
  • “I’ve often wondered how some people in positions of this kind … manage without having had any acting experience.”—President Ronald Reagan.
  • “Love me, love my dog, and if you don’t love my dog, you damn well can’t love me.”—Winston Churchill.
  • “Let’s have trial by combat.”—Rudy Giuliani, on Jan. 6, 2021.
  • “People argue semantics when they can’t argue anything better.”—Scott Maxwell, Orlando Sentinel.
  • “Gender identity is real.”—U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle.
  • “As democracies go, we’re no city on a shining hill when it comes to voting.”—Author Barry Golson.
  • “He serves his party best who serves the country best.”—President Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • “You need a democracy to have effective capitalism. If you don’t, you get cronyism. You get oligarchy. You get crony capitalism.”—Anthony Scaramucci, former communications director for President Trump.
  • “I am confident that we at the Fed are on a path to achieving our 2% inflation goal on a sustained basis.”—John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  • “We have to recognize the fact that … teachers can’t afford to be teachers.”—Florida Education Association President Andrew Spar.
  • “The project on the west side will be even more transformative (than the Riverwalk).”—Mayor Jane Castor, on plans for the ($56.8 million) West Bank project that will include a network of 12 miles of continuous bike and pedestrian pathways. The federal DOT, in a grant secured by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, will cover $24 million of it.
  • “2021 and 2022 were the crazy years. Too many people wanted homes, and they were going so fast. That was definitely a seller’s market.”—Lei Wedge, associate professor of finance at USF.

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