Debate Crucible

They are what they are: presidential debates. They are not extensions of forensic societies. They are exercises in performance art. Optics and one-liners live on more than mastery of important-issue details. Nixon sweating in 1960. Reagan’s prepared comeback lines in 1984. George Bush Sr. looking at his watch in 1992.

The Biden-Trump debate began with Biden shuffling on to the stage. Then it got worse with a raspy voice, unfinished sentences and a mouth agape in reaction shots. The bar is so low for Trump, the pathological liar, perp-walker and convicted, shameless felon, that he only had to restrain himself enough not to look like a completely unhinged buffoon.

It’s too late for the Dems to think about replacing Biden. Voters wouldn’t be part of the vetting. It would look like what it is: pure panic. Plus, the bench isn’t overly impressive. The focus needs to be on democracy. Which candidate defends it. Which one undermines it. Who represents good governance; who represents odious character. Who wants to unite America; who continues to stoke a culture war. Who leads a party; who leads a cult. A neurologist for Biden; a criminologist for Trump.

And then hope for the best in round two in September. Remember Reagan had a lackluster, age-themed performance against Walter Mondale in their first debate, raising concerns about his competence. Then he bounced back with pitch-perfect, rehearsed lines. But it helped that he was a professional actor.

Biden has always made it through tough times. But those were pre-octogenarian times. He still knows a lot, is a decent person, cares about the Constitution and is surrounded by competence—not sycophancy. He’s a moral democrat—not an immoral autocrat. Stay in the game, Joe—and on the HARRIS-BIDEN ticket.

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