* An ironic upshot of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that it has been enabling a moreunited Europe against the Putin playbook. One notable sign: Switzerland, the avatar of neutrality, is freezing Russian financial assets.
* As the world—not just NATO—watches the wanton destruction and tragedy in Ukraine, there is more than a hint, thanks to Vladimir Putin, that there could be a nuclear subplot. Would he really—out of innate belligerence or unhinged panic—push a button that would more than reset Europe? Is he just the ultimate autocratic, land-grabbing punk—or could this get existential?
It reminds me of a Cold War-era cartoon that focused on a dare-devil, “chicken” auto confrontation of two macho types. While headed directly at each other at high speeds, it became a matter of who would turn off first to avoid a fatal collision. One way for a driver to sow uncertainty and fear and possibly gain an edge on a rival: being seen by witnesses and the opponent quaffing some pre-“chicken” liquor and keeping the bottle in the front seat.
The principals then were an American president (John F. Kennedy) and a Soviet general secretary (Nikita Khrushchev). That could also have relevance for President Biden and NATO, as they try to sanely end an unconscionably cruel invasion by what amounts to a vodka-swilling Putin.