It wasn’t enough for Kyle Rittenhouse to be exonerated for shooting and killing two people. He then spiked the stand-your-groundless-rationale football on the Tucker Carlson Show and then a Mar-a-Lago meet-up with, yes, Donald Trump. Nobody’s shocked that, according to Trump, Rittenhouse is a “big fan.” And nobody is shocked that the usual suspects would use Rittenhouse as a pathetic political prop and pawn. A 2024 GOP presidential endorsement from Rittenhouse surely awaits.
Nor is anyone surprised that Trump called him a “really good young man.” It’s an extension of his equivocating comments on white supremacists in Charlottesville. Then he did a Donald double down: “He should not have had to suffer through a trial like that. … That was prosecutorial misconduct.”
In short, the guy who crossed state lines with an assault weapon and helped provoke violence that caused two deaths and was acquitted was made to “suffer.” That’s an insufferable take on vigilante manslaughter. But that’s the way it Mar-a-Lagos in Trump’s perverted parallel universe. But, no, there won’t be a Trump-Rittenhouse ticket.