
* “Science has succeeded, but solidarity has failed.”–U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

* “I believe that ethically everyone needs to receive the vaccine.”–Pope Francis.

* “We’ve changed the narrative dramatically.”–David M. Friedman, outgoing U.S. ambassador to Israel.

* “U.S. President Joe Biden’s proposal to pour $1.9 trillion into a hobbled economy could lay the foundation for a surge in jobs and spending that many economists say is needed to avoid long-term damage from a record-breaking pandemic recession.”–Reuters.

* “The single most depraved betrayal of the U.S. Constitution ever committed by a president.”–Florida Democratic Congresswoman Kathy Castor.

* “It is shocking that Trump didn’t act when Congress could have faced a mass hostage-taking, or worse. It is not surprising.”–Michelle Goldberg, New York Times.

* “Incitement isn’t a single act; it’s a process.”–Former Richard Nixon attorney John Dean.

* “At his own inauguration, (Trump) pledged to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Two weeks before the (Biden) inauguration, he contributed to a violent attempt to stop the Constitution from working. (His) conduct is about the clearest violation of his constitutional oath one could imagine.”–Stetson law professor Louis J. Virelli III.

* “A clear and present threat to our nation.”–Florida Democratic Congressman Charlie Crist.

* “(Trump) will be judged harshly by history.”–Nikki Haley.

* “(Trump’s) capable of starting a civil war.”–California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

* “Donald Trump had the foresight to not be black.”–Leonard Pitts, Miami Herald.

* “Now (Lindsey) Graham calls for unity. I agree. Let’s unite in removing Trump from office and disqualify him from (ever) holding a public trust again.”–California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff.

* “Pelosi and the House Democrats invited busloads of Antifa to riot.”–Facebook post of Hillsborough County Republican Party Chairman Jim Waurishuk.

* “There is no excusing Trump. There is no sympathy that should be wasted on this pathetic parasite.”–Marina Hyde, U.K. Guardian.

* “The rest of us—and this is the key—will still be here. We’ve got nowhere to go.”–Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

* “The First Amendment limits only government actors, and neither social media company nor a book publisher is the government. Indeed, they enjoy their own First Amendment rights not to have the government require them to associate with speech when they prefer not to do so.”–University of Utah law professor RonNell Andersen Jones.

* “We are living Orwell’s ‘1984.’ Free-speech no longer exists in America.”–Donald Trump Jr.

* “Every movement has a lunatic fringe.”–California Republican Congressman Tom McClintock.

* “Throughout this expedited spree of executions, this Court has consistently rejected inmates’ credible claims for relief. This is not justice.”–Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

* “What for more than 200 years (‘e pluribus unum’) has meant ‘out of many, one,’ Trump has transformed into ‘Follow me. I am the one.’”–Darryl Paulson, USF St. Petersburg emeritus professor of government.

* “Our Florida Democratic Party is at a crossroads. While Democrats all over the nation made gains, we continue to lose ground. We continue to lose elections.”–Former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, newly chosen chairman of the FDP.

* “I think she’s an emerging star.”–Republican media consultant Adam Goodman, referring to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody.

* “Learn to endure.”–Recently retired Hillsborough Clerk of the Court Pat Frank, 91.

* “We should be classified as essential workers and put to the (vaccination-priority) top, if they want schools open.”–Joanne McCall, executive director of the Pinellas County Teachers Union.

* We have to do something. I want people to come to Tampa and Hillsborough for the Super Bowl, but if our (rate of positive test) numbers are in the 15 to 20 percent range, there will be people who think twice about coming.”–Hillsborough County Commissioner Kimberly Overman, who has stressed that the county should beef up enforcement of its existing mandate that face coverings be worn inside businesses—and that serious consideration be given to requiring masks be worn in outside service areas of bars and restaurants.

* “One of the challenges we have is that there is simply not enough space to have people cycling in and out, so this renovation is an opportunity for education in the galleries.”--Michael Tomor, executive director of the Tampa Museum of Art, on the announcement of TMA plans for renovations that will expand the education programs and gallery space—beginning in May.

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