“Yes, we can.”
- The Biden campaign has created a “special litigation” unit, which will include hundreds of lawyers and be led by two former solicitors general, Donald Verilli and Walter Dellinger, plus former Attorney General Eric Holder, acting as a liaison between the campaign and various independent groups. As we know, legal battles over voting and ballot-counting are already ratcheting up.
- The National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare has endorsed Joe Biden. It’s the first-ever presidential endorsement for an organization with deep roots in New Deal politics. Indeed, the vice chairman of the NCPSSM advisory board is James Roosevelt Jr., FDR’s grandson.
- Speaking of first-ever such endorsements, the respected scientific journal Scientific Americanhas done just that as well. In its own words: “Scientific American has never endorsed a presidential candidate in our 175-year history—until now. The 2020 election is literally a matter of life and death. We urge you to vote for health, science and Joe Biden for President.”
- A big reason Trump won in 2016 is because so many Americans—from primary opponents to casual voters—thought it could never happen. That’s no longer the case. Call it an existential mulligan for an electorate that has seen what an unfit reality TV charlatan has wrought.
- “Biden is a man who doesn’t do culture war, who will separate the cultural left from the political left, reduce politics back to its normal size and calm an increasingly apocalyptic and hysterical nation.”—David Brooks, New York Times.
- It used to be that senators, including politically prominent ones, didn’t need to overplay the party- or presidential-fealty card when voting on a SCOTUS nomination. To wit: Republicans Strom Thurmond, Bob Dole and Mitch McConnell voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993. Seven years earlier, Democrats Al Gore, John Kerry and Joe Biden voted for Antonin Scalia.