“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
- COVIDiocy update: “People are tired of COVID. I have these huge rallies. People are saying, ‘Whatever. Just leave us alone.’ They’re tired of it. People are tired of hearing (Dr. Anthony) Fauci and all these idiots … This guy’s a disaster.” Yeah, that was the COVIDiot-in-chief during a campaign staff call that some media were privy to. Speaking of disasters, how unconscionable is it that the super-spreader himself, whose mismanagement and maskless optics have contributed directly to thousands of unnecessary deaths, would still be scapegoating the country’s pre-eminent epidemiologist. And how unconscionable that his base won’t turn on him for self-serving mismessaging and lethal mismanagement. What the hell would it take? Isn’t that, well, “deplorable”?
BTW, Trump wasn’t worried about being quoted. “If there’s a reporter on, you can have it just the way I said it,” said Trump. I couldn’t care less.” No s***.
- Shame on NBC for accommodating the defiant dictates of Donald Trump, who wanted his own, alternate town hall forum. This was orchestrated by the super-spreader-in-chief, who wouldn’t do a virtual debate as directed by the Commission on Presidential Dabates, because it would confine his histrionics and maybe whatever virus he might still be carrying. Then he could brag on his ratings. As it turned out, not only were those ratings not huge, but they were smaller than what Biden got on ABC. The bottom line: This was not fair to the democratic process—nor, frankly, to Savannah Guthrie, who was not averse to giving pushback during her moderation. She was, fortunately, no Chris Wallace, but it was still a no-win night.
The NBC scenario is a reminder that it’s not just right-wing media that has enabled Trump in his disastrous, America-diminishing presidency. The mainstream media was all-in in its ratings-driven, saturation coverage of Trump during the 2016 campaign season. I can still recall MSNBC’s Chris Matthews interrupting the flow of his “Hardball” show with something like: “We’ll have to end it right there, everybody, so we can now go live to Possum Trot, Mississippi for a Trump rally.” Without that kind of high-profile, ubiquitous, celebrity coverage, there would have been less impact–and interest–from Fox News, Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh and Russian bots.
- “I went through it. Now they say I’m immune. I feel so powerful. …I’ll kiss everyone in that audience. … I’ll just give you a big fat kiss.”—That was the fat-kisser-in-chief at his Sanford, Fla. rally—six days after leaving Walter Reed, where he had been treated for COVID-19. Yes, there were masks in evidence. In fact, Trump tossed a bunch wrapped in plastic to his fans. It’s a familiar Trump optic. Puerto Ricans would understand.
- “Suburban women, will you please like me. I saved your damn neighborhood.” That was the savior-in-chief at a rally in Johnstown, Pa, with a reminder that only he stands between safe, suburban neighborhoods and invasions by gangs of Antifa supporters.
- It was inevitable that SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic religion would work its way into the confirmation process. For context, it’s worth noting that the Supreme Court’s six Catholic members include Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas, as ideologically polar opposite as possible.
- Sure, there’s understandable concern about the ideological framework of future SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett. And, no, glib responses and “I don’t recall” answers during confirmation Q&A dynamics are hardly reassuring. But do recall that conservative Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005, saved the ACA, and back in the day President Dwight Eisenhower never did get what he was expecting from Earl Warren after appointing him in 1953. Stuff can still happen.
- Tampa’s own Trump toady, Pam Bondi, continues to play a role in the Trump campaign. Some are more obvious than others. She was part of the high-profile, Trump impeachment defense. And she has also accompanied Trump family members who campaigned for him in Tampa. And she also played Kamala Harris in a debate-prep session for Mike Pence. Maybe she wants to replace William Barr in a second Trump term. Or maybe she still wants to be president of Trump U.