Facebook, as we’ve been noticing, has been a key factor in imperiling democracy. Just ask Vlad Putin. Mark Zuckerberg keeps trying to perfume the free speech pig as if he weren’t monetizing misinformation while benignly enabling millions to share vacation photos and look-at-me moments. False speech, free speech? Ask the Winklevoss Brothers. And while Facebook has ramped up efforts to rein in hoaxes and hate speech, it still permits partisan political ads that are hardly avatars of veracity.
But this just in. Facebook News. It’s a new section of its mobile app that is dedicated to news content. It involves a mix of respected publications–including the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal–as well as digital-only outlets such as BuzzFeed and Business Insider. And Breitbart. When Steve Bannon is a player, it’s still Zucked up.