Sports Shorts

* The perfect storm continues for the Tampa Bay Rays. Devastating injuries, disappointing off-season signings (notably Grant Balfour and Logan Forsythe) plus sub-par performances by virtually everybody. Then Fernando Rodney, now of the Seattle Mariners, returns to the Trop.

Yes, he saved two of the three Mariner wins, but he also brought along his shtick: the cocked hat and the arrow-shooting theatric. It’s the sort of thing–the latter, especially–you tend to overlook, even though you shouldn’t, when it’s the home-team guy.

But when it’s the visiting team, it’s seen for what it is. A look-at-me, juvenile stunt that is part personal celebration, part opposition taunt. Especially in THEIR house, which used to be YOUR house. It’s that kind of a season.

* Speaking of Grant Balfour, the high-profile, free-agent closer has now been demoted. It’s enough to make you wonder about bringing in a guy who had just failed a physical with another team (the Baltimore Orioles) in the off-season.

A sports agent acquaintance told me that when a team wants to get out of a deal–for whatever reason–it can always resort to the “failed” physical gambit. An old, irrelevant minor league injury, for example, could be cited, and no one will question it.

In other words, the Orioles had their reasons. That’s noteworthy when it’s pointed out that Balfour’s fast ball is still several miles-per-hour shy of what he was throwing for Oakland.

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