Sports Shorts

* Boston Wrong. The Rays and Red Sox have history. The kind that periodically clears benches and warrants ejections. Earlier this month the Rays won a doubleheader in Boston. This past Sunday at the Trop, the Sox dropped two more. They lost a game and then lost their composure to a team with half their payroll. Some things $160 million can’t buy. And, yeah, if I were the Rays, I’d play a little “Sweet Caroline” after the game too.

And speaking of winners and whiners, the Rays and Sox play another series this weekend in Boston. Look for an historical update.

* Grant Balfour, the Rays’ closer, didn’t like being booed the another night after a blown save against Oakland. He went public with his reaction–not exactly the approach Joe Maddon was looking for. Some advice for “Ball Four”: If you don’t like being booed, well, don’t be boo-able. In fact, in this market, be glad the fans, however vocal, are there. Be glad they care enough to voice, literally, a legitimate concern–one shared by the non-booing fans.

* Much was made, rightly so, over who didn’t make the U.S. World Cup soccer team: Landon Donovan. For many Americans the 32-year-old, who holds the national team record for goals and assists, is the face of American soccer.

But look who did make the squad: Tampa native Julian Green, 18. He was born at MacDill AFB. His dad, Jerry Green, works in admissions and community outreach at Eckerd College.

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