“Mr. Tampa”

Al Austin.

He was a Tampa original.He won’t be replaced. But he leaves a legacy that will benefit generations.

Austin was a visionary when it came to Tampa International Airport and the adjacent West Shore Business District. He was the point man in the fight to save MacDill AFB from closure and in the effort to finally land a national political convention for Tampa. He somehow found the time and energy to play a catalytic role in charity fund-raising and to lead a major capital campaign for the University of Tampa. And a lot more.

Because of his pioneer status as a Tampa Republican and then pre-eminent, party fund-raiser,  Austin was known in political circles as “Mr. Republican.”

To the very end, he transcended the nasty mosh pit that partisan politics has devolved into. He always remained a cordial, classy gentleman.

Austin didn’t give many press “interviews.” He preferred to engage in conversations with reporters. I had my share. His principles about the free enterprise system and the role of government weren’t meant for bumper-stickers and gotcha sound bites.

No, you don’t replace an Al Austin. You just remain thankful that he shared your city and that “Mr. Republican” was, more importantly, also “Mr. Tampa.”

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