Flip-Flop Pathology?

In a previous political incarnation, Charlie Crist used to be a “Reagan Republican.” If the “Gipper” were around today, he might update “There you go again.” As in serial flip-flopper.

Crist, who went out of his way to make the Cuban embargo a differentiating gubernatorial issue, has had to retract the part about actually going to Cuba this summer. He now says that won’t happen. It’s a “timing delay,” he explained. Oh.

It made prominent headlines and was flip-flop manna for the Rick Scott campaign.

Maybe it’s pathological with Crist. This was self-inflicted.  It’s also ironic. Crist is now on the right side of an issue that has intimidated statewide political candidates for decades. But the news cycle chronicles his flip-flopping–instead of his resolution to no longer allow exile politics to hold Florida hostage to Little Havana’s vendetta agenda.

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