Bad Dance Move

To be sure, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has an uphill slog if he wants to regain status as a viable Republican presidential candidate in 2016. That whole “bridgegate” debacle was a political disaster–and likely a career depressant.

His position as chairman of the Republican Governors Conference can help, of course, unless he decides to share too many Republican rally stages with Rick Scott. And cherry picking media opportunities to show a self-deprecating, non-bully side can also be of assistance. The right interviewer, the right audience demographic is a proven combo ever since candidate John F. Kennedy went on the Tonight Show with Jack Paar in June of 1960.

But doing that tandem dance with Jimmy Fallon recently was arguably not a wise move. Looking like a fat guy prepping for a hula hoop contest was more harmful than helpful if demeaning is defining. Not if the intent is to ultimately present yourself as a serious enough aspirant for the most powerful office in the world. Replacing the image of a classic bully with that of a pandering clown is not an upgrade.

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