
* “What I truly wish is for moderation to return to the country.”–Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

* “If they had their way, they’d simply cut and paste the Constitution and just get rid of the Second Amendment entirely.”–Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, referring to Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the NRA’s annual convention.

* “I’ve seen up close how Washington is rigged to work for the big guys, but not for those trying to get an education, or families trying to build economic security. It makes me furious. And yet, I believe in the power of fighting back, so I’m glad to be there.”–U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, (D-Mass.)

* “I want to tell you something. I love this country. I want you to put that in bold and big letters: I love the United States of America.”–Jazz legend Arturo Sandoval.

* “Whether the topic is autism or presidential politics, celebrity trumps authority and obviates erudition.”–Frank Bruni, New York Times.

* “When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything. You just let them talk.”–President Barack Obama.

* “Contrary to the pledge we learned in school, it turns out we are actually one nation divided, with liberty and justice for some. … It is good to see the attorney general dismantle the War on Drugs. But while he’s at it, let him dismantle the War on Fairness too.”–Leonard Pitts, Miami Herald.

* “Clean energy is moving from boutique to mainstream, and that opens up a wealth of opportunities.”–Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation.

* “(This) trend is not just in politics. We have become a consultant society. Whether you are running a business or packaging yourself for a job or college admissions, people rely on the expertise of professional advice-givers.”–David Brooks, New York Times.

* “Routinized excessive drinking, sexual misconduct and blatant disregard of social norms have no place at Dartmouth. Enough is enough.”–Dartmouth president Philip Hanlon.

* “This failure is inexcusable.”–Education Commissioner Pam Stewart on problems with online FCAT.

* “We’re a tourist state. We want people to slow down, not speed up.”–Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, on a Senate vote to allow increases on certain roads from 70 to 75 mph.

* “It opens doors for us as a community. It tells the world we are here.”–Hillsborough County Commissioner Al Higginbotham on the impact of the Tampa-hosted Bollywood Oscars.

* “There are people out there who fought the tobacco industry for so long that the last thing they want is to see new people coming in.”–USF marketing department chair Anand Kumar, part of a team researching the branding of e-cigarettes.

* “You have a great ownership in the Glazer family, a great stadium and a great community, and that’s what we’re looking for. For me, we will clearly be back here for the Super Bowl.”–NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on prospects for another Super Bowl in Tampa.

* “One of the things I learned today is that you have a lot of doctors and health professionals that come up here from Latin America because this is such a state-of-the-art facility.”–U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., after a tour of USF’s Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation.

* “One thing we are dismayed about is how we have made teachers feel over the last 15 years. We shamed and blamed them. It was unconscionable. We do not want them to feel that way.”–Vicki Phillips, visiting Gates Foundation education leader.

* “We will succeed together or fail alone.”–Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, referring to cooperative efforts with St. Petersburg in building this region’s technology and innovation economy.

* “The bottom line is, if they get state incentives, they will come.”–Hillsborough Film Commissioner Dale Gordon.

* “First and foremost, Tampa Bay is beautiful and the people are nice.”–Indian actor-producer Anil Kapoor.

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