No need to rehash again how the topic of U.S.-Cuba relations remains a sensitive subject in Washington. Would that times were manifestly changing–not merely evolving over half a century. But the tea leaves are a frustrating read in Havana too.
Robertico Carcassés sang at a rally for the (U.S.-incarcerated) “Cuban 5” (4 now) at the Martí Plaza directly in front of the United States Interests Section in Havana last Thursday night. He notably deviated off lyrics–and ideology–between choruses of “Quiero….acuérdate que siempre quiero….” (I want….remember I always want…”):
“Libre acceso a la información para tener yo, mi propia opinión.”
(“Free access to information so I can form my own opinions.” )
“Yo quiero elegir al presidente por voto directo y no por otra vía.”
(“I want to elect a president by direct vote and not any other way.”)
“Ni militantes ni disidentes, cubanos todos con los mismos derechos.”
(“Neither militants nor dissidents, we’re ALL Cubanos with the same rights.”)
“Y que se acabe el bloqueo…..y el AUTOBLOQUEO”
(“And stop the blockade [embargo]…..and the SELF blockade!”)
The upshot?
Word from Havana is that Carcassés has already been sanctioned by the Cuban Institute of Music and removed from upcoming music gigs. It was a reminder that governmental changes are still incremental in Cuba and that criticism of the workers’ paradise can still exact an unfair price.