
* “Syria is Iraq’s twin: an artificial state that was also born after World War I inside lines drawn by imperial powers. Like Iraq, Syria’s constituent communities–Sunnis, Alawite/Shiites, Kurds, Druze, Christians–never volunteered to live together under agreed rules. So, like Iraq, Syria has been ruled for much of its modern history by either a colonial power or an iron-fisted autocrat.”–Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times.

* “We just had an election. And this isn’t Mr. Romney’s Cabinet, or Mr. Rick Perry’s Cabinet. This is Barack Obama’s Cabinet.”–Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., on the deep resistance President Obama’s latest Cabinet nominees are running into from Republican senators.

* “I just don’t buy that this was a couple of rogue IRS employees. After all, groups with ‘progressive’ in their names were not targeted similarly.”–Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, on the Internal Revenue Service’s heightened scrutiny of conservative political groups.

* “Let’s face it, democracy is still a work in progress in this country. Recall: Al Gore’s loss, recent voter-suppression efforts and the inability of 60 senators to agree with 90% of Americans on gun control. To expect ‘democracy’ out of the Muddled East is to misread reality. Stability without brutalizing dictatorship is as high as the bar goes.” —Joe O’Neill, La Gaceta.

* “Investors deserve to know at long last: Are the companies they trust with their hard-earned cash investing it in research and development (R&D) or wasting it to support the two major political parties (R’s and D’s)?”–Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, assistant professor of law at Stetson University College of Law.

* “There’s very little transparency out there about what doctors and hospitals are charging for services.”–Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, the nation’s largest association of health insurers.

* “The trick is to make a Gatsby movie that couldn’t have been made by Gatsby–an unglossy portrait of gloss.”–Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of The New Republic.

* “Surprise, shock, disbelief.”–Reaction to the jury’s verdict in the Casey Anthony case by presiding Judge Belvin Perry.

* “We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple. NEVER–you can use caps.”–Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder.

* “We believe the number of crashes involving cell phone use is much greater than what is being reported.”–Janet Froetscher, president of the National Safety Council.

* “Florida is the center of the U.S. travel and tourism industry. This move enables us to be closer to leisure and business customers.”–Mark P. Frissora, chairman and CEO of Hertz, which will move its headquarters from New Jersey to (Estero) Florida.

* “I’ve always been up front about the type of leader I wanted to be: an inclusive reformer.”–Speaker of the Florida House Will Weatherford.

* “In Washington, everyone’s taking notice of his strong stand on the Medicaid expansion issue. … He’s building a reputation as a solid conservative who you can rely on.”–American Conservative Union chairman Al Cardenas referring to Will Weatherford.

* “I have no plans to run (for governor). I have no intention to run. … I’m enjoying being senator. But I must say I’m frustrated. I’m very frustrated. I mean the extremists around here. You can’t get anything done. The filibuster is really being abused.”–Florida Sen. Bill Nelson.

* “No matter how you might color it, amnesty is amnesty.”–U.S. Rep. C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla.

* “Media gimmick.”–Term used by State Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart, in describing TaxWatch’s annual list of budget “turkeys.”

* “We live here. This is not our last project here. We need this to be a trophy project for us and for the city of Tampa. This is a labor of love. … We are going to be focused on making Channelside the epicenter of downtown Tampa.”–Punit Shah, one of the partners of Liberty Channelside, the joint venture that has signed an agreement to purchase the Channelside Bay Plaza lease.

* “This is a case of be careful what you wish for.”–Straz Center president Judy Lisi in urging restraint over the ambitious, 36-story, residential tower proposed near the Straz by developers Greg Minder and Phillip Smith.

* “Tampa has been a better franchise and city because of Ronde’s presence.”–Former Buccaneers–and current Atlanta Falcons–general manager Rich McKay on the retirement of the Bucs’ Ronde Barber.

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