Not to sound incorrigibly old school, but wasn’t there a time when:
*Listening was part of public discourse?
*The American economic engine was much more about making stuff than deriving or trading stuff?
*Hyphens weren’t routinely affixed to underscore our racial and ethnic diversity?
*It actually made sense to not have normalized relations with Cuba?
*We all agreed that the United States had learned — the hard way — a criticallyimportant economics lesson in 1937?
*No one knew — or needed to know — what “jihad” meant?
*Rail was the consensus must-have mode of transportation for all communities aspiring to compete in the 21st century? *”Free speech” wasn’t a legal
rationale shared by “Super PACs” and lap dancers?
*Those attending a funeral, especially a military one, didn’t need to be reminded to dress appropriately?
*John Travolta was a student of Mr. Kotter — not Mr. Hubbard
*The teaching of civics was a given?
*September 11 was just another day?