The unique perspective and provocative opinions of Joe O’Neill
“Since the (Straz) Center was the first major cultural project, if it had not happened or had not succeeded, one could question whether these subsequent (major downtown) projects would have happened at all.” Judy Lisi, president andCEO, Straz Center for the Performing Arts.
“That’s how it works as a program. The one class leaves it to the next class. The most important thing is they leave a legacy of what we’re all about, their character, their academic record and just the intangibles of their leadership and the ability to make everyone around them better. In the end, that’s why a team is more than the sum of its parts.” –Robert Weiner, Plant High School footballcoach.
“If the Legislature gives us more, we should do something with it. And we should spend as much time on the other end bragging about how we used it and the outcome we saw.” –Eric Barron, FSU’s newly named president.
“Some things have changed on Wall Street. But plenty hasn’t. Much of the stock-market community is still just a marketing machine that happens to sell investments the way, say, a drugstore like CVS sells pills. (Unfair? Just a little: CVS, after all, won’t deliberately sell you bad pills.)” –Brett Arends, Wall StreetJournal and author of “Storm Proof Your Money.”
“We need to take on the way the Senate works. The filibuster, and the need for 60 votes to end debate, aren’t in the Constitution.” –Paul Krugman, New YorkTimes.
“Whatever he says carries the imprimatur of the office he once held, and speaking up at critical junctures undercuts the president before his policies can take hold.” –Michael Smerconish, Philadelphia radio talk-show host and columnist forThe Philadelphia Inquirer, on the inappropriateness of recent commentary by former Vice President Dick Cheney.
“Compared with, say, the prescription drug benefit from a few years ago, this (Senate health care) bill is a model of fiscal rectitude.” –David Brooks, New YorkTimes.
“I certainly don’t believe that the Internet will mean the death of news. Through innovation and technology, it can endure with newfound profitability and vitality.Video didn’t kill the radio star. It created a whole new additional industry.” –Eric Schmidt, chairman and CEO of Google Inc.