When Charlie Crist was married recently, he and his bride, Carole Rome, had to navigate that gauntlet of protestors. Several causes were represented, notably Impact Florida’s protesting of the Florida Marriage Amendment and the Uhuru Movement’s protesting of the death of Javon Dawson. He’s the teen who was killed by a St. Petersburg police officer outside a high school graduation party in June.
To the governor’s credit, he didn’t flinch or frown, simply noting airily that “Free speech is alive and well.”
Well, Gov. Charlie couldn’t say it, but we will.
To Impact Florida: “Marriage is a cross-cultural institution comprising a man and a woman. It’s been around as long as recorded history. It’s not the product of any government’s decree – and no government has the authority to change its fundamental, gender composition. But civil unions, regardless of sex, make eminent sense – as well as practical, humane policy. Whether you are Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve, we will not back off on the commitment to civil unions. And simple fairness.
“And that ‘Charlie, Get Straight on Equality’sign. Very clever.”
To Uhuru Movement: “Once again, you have misplaced your outrage. How about being a positive force in the community for once, instead of a race-baiting grievance posse?
“Why not use the Javon Dawson tragedy as the centerpiece for a campaign that targets African-American teens who, for whatever unfathomable reason, feel the need to bring guns to places such as graduation parties? And then proceed to fire off some rounds.
“This isn’t Baghdad. Nothing good can come of such a witless practice. Indeed, an armed young man is needlessly and tragically dead.
“But let’s not blame the police, who were called by alarmed residents and implored to do something about a party that featured lethal weapons and, as it turned out, an armed Javon Dawson. But if we must place blame, let’s affix it where it belongs: Those who pack heat for graduation parties and those who scapegoat the police after a resultant shooting.
“Try being part of the solution for once. Now I know how Barack Obama felt when you showed up at his town-hall meeting at Gibbs High.
“And that ‘Charlie Crist is a Murderer’ sign. A bit harsh. But that effigy of me in a jail suit. Nice touch.”